Think of this texture pack as more of an architecture simulator than an addition to normal Minecraft. Instead, this texture pack is designed for those who have a passion for graphics and architecture, and who simply want to take beautiful screenshots or enjoy what modern game engines can do. This texture pack is fundamentally not designed for use in normal Minecraft gameplay – as it selects only a handful of blocks to change, and is very intensive to run.

But in doing so, limits its use to very specific situations. Umsoea manages to bring individual blocks to a level of realism seen nowhere else. It accomplishes this through photorealistic textures and normal maps, complex 3D block models, and intersecting textures – all in combination with the stunning SEUS shaders. First and foremost, the intent of this pack is to push the capability of path-traced shaders (specifically SEUS PTGI, as recommended by the creator) to their absolute limit. The Umsoea resource pack takes the concept of what a texture pack can be – and flips it on its head.